最近在单位写一个自动 build 的小工具。因为 clearcase 的setview
因为在邮件组里面看到有同样问题的 Matt 说用paramiko
工具在 Vista 下面会报错,所以至少花了十几分钟才算安装完毕。
结果在用 test.py 验证安装的时候就报错了,说什么:
paramiko . SSHException : No suitable address
安装是我自己一步步弄得,难道搞错了?只好照着 demo 写了一个 sftp 的脚本,发现是可以跑的,干。
),问题还是找到了。原来是 1.7.5 的paramiko
增加了对 ipv6 的支持,结果引入了错误。更新了client.py
最后,虽然 demo 的例子也挺多,但是好像没有说清楚怎么用 invoke_shell 和 get_pty 以及照例奉上一段代码。
This script is using for build the software package
import sys
import time
import paramiko
import traceback
import ConfigParser
The main class of the builder.
class Builder :
"""Parses options from the ini file to create connection."""
def __init__ ( self , inifile ):
try :
config = ConfigParser . ConfigParser ()
config . readfp ( open ( inifile ))
self . _ssh = paramiko . SSHClient ()
self . _ssh . set_missing_host_key_policy ( paramiko . AutoAddPolicy ())
self . _ssh . connect ( config . get ( 'host' , 'server' ),
port = config . getint ( 'host' , 'port' ),
username = config . get ( 'host' , 'user' ),
password = config . get ( 'host' , 'password' ))
self . _t = paramiko . Transport (( config . get ( 'host' , 'server' ), config . getint ( 'host' , 'port' )))
self . _t . start_client ()
self . _t . auth_password ( config . get ( 'host' , 'user' ), config . get ( 'host' , 'password' ))
self . _sftp = paramiko . SFTPClient . from_transport ( self . _t )
except Exception , e :
print '*** Caught exception: %s: %s' % ( e . __class__ , e )
traceback . print_exc ()
try :
self . closeConn ()
except :
sys . exit ( 1 )
self . _fpga = config . get ( 'fpga compress' , 'fpga' )
self . _lpath = config . get ( 'fpga compress' , 'local_fpga_path' )
self . _rpath = config . get ( 'fpga compress' , 'remote_fpga_path' )
self . _oab = config . get ( 'fpga compress' , 'oab' )
self . _xlf = config . get ( 'xlf build' , 'xlf' )
self . _lmid = config . get ( 'xlf build' , 'lmid' )
self . _xpp = config . get ( 'xlf build' , 'xpp' )
self . _xdp = config . get ( 'xlf build' , 'xdp' )
self . _rru = config . get ( 'xlf build' , 'rru' )
self . _rruswdb = config . get ( 'xlf build' , 'rru_sw_db' )
self . _xpl = config . get ( 'xlf build' , 'xpl' )
print ( "Your input fpga file is:" + self . _lpath + self . _fpga + " \n " )
print ( "Your ouput xlf file will be:" + self . _xlf + " \n " )
"""Run command on the server"""
def runCmd ( self , command ):
"""run <command>
Execute this command on all hosts in the list"""
if command :
stdin , stdout , stderr = self . _ssh . exec_command ( command )
stdin . close ()
for line in stdout . read (). splitlines ():
print line
else :
print "usage: run <command>"
"""Upload the fpga and compress it to oab.bin"""
def createOab ( self ):
self . _sftp . put ( self . _lpath + self . _fpga , self . _rpath + self . _fpga )
self . runCmd ( "hou_create_fpga -bf \" /home/ehholli/fpgainput/fpga.med \" -dn \" CXC 172 8213/1 \" -of oab -dev \" XC2V6000,-4 \" -dir /home/ehholli/fpgaoutput/" )
try :
self . _sftp . get ( self . _oab , 'oab.bin' )
print ( "Fpga file compress successfully!" )
except Exception , e :
print '*** Caught exception: %s: %s' % ( e . __class__ , e )
traceback . print_exc ()
try :
self . closeConn ()
except :
sys . exit ( 1 )
"""Make the tlf"""
def genXlf ( self ):
#open a interactive shell
ct_chan = self . _t . open_session ()
ct_chan . setblocking ()
ct_chan . get_pty ()
ct_chan . invoke_shell ()
#ct setview ehholli
if ( ct_chan . send_ready ()):
ct_chan . send ( "ct setview ehholli \r\n " )
time . sleep ( 10 )
build_cmd = "/vobs/rbs/hw/bcp/xp/deliv/solaris2/bin/xlf_gen -r " + self . _xpp + " " + self . _xdp + " " + self . _rru \
+ " -i " + self . _oab + " " + self . _rruswdb \
+ " -o /home/ehholli/tmp/" + self . _xlf \
+ " -x " + self . _xpl \
+ " -lmid \" " + self . _lmid + " \" " \
+ " -t \" au_applic \" -v \r\n "
print ( build_cmd )
if ( ct_chan . send_ready ()):
ct_chan . send ( build_cmd )
tCheck2 =
while not ct_chan . recv_ready ():
time . sleep ( 5 )
tCheck2 += 1
if tCheck2 >= 6 :
print 'time out' #TODO: add exeption here
print ( ct_chan . recv ( 65536 ))
ct_chan . close ()
time . sleep ( 10 )
#download the xlf file
try :
self . _sftp . get ( "/home/ehholli/tmp/" + self . _xlf , self . _xlf )
print ( "xlf file downloaded successfully!" )
except Exception , e :
print '*** Caught exception: %s: %s' % ( e . __class__ , e )
traceback . print_exc ()
try :
self . closeConn ()
except :
sys . exit ( 1 )
"""Close everything we opened"""
def closeConn ( self ):
self . _ssh . close ()
self . _sftp . close ()
self . _t . close ()
if __name__ == '__main__' :
# setup logging
paramiko . util . log_to_file ( 'demo_builder.log' )
b = Builder ( 'cfg.ini' )
b . createOab ()
b . genXlf ()
b . closeConn ()