
Better Dictionary on Mac

Mac 上很贴心的提供了词典,并且还绑定了快捷键:在任何页面按下”Ctrl+Cmd+D”,就会有词义解释的界面弹出。不过内置的New Oxford American Dictionary比较的弱,给人的感觉词条的水准就像《新华字典》一样单薄,所以换成了编了好几十年又修订了好几十年的韦氏词典,两者的差距还是明显的。

这是自带词典对 pathos 的解释:

pathos /ˈpāˌTHäs/, a quality that evokes pity or sadness


pathos /ˈpāˌTHäs/, n.

1. The quality or character of those emotions, traits, or experiences which are personal, and therefore restricted and evanescent; transitory and idiosyncratic dispositions or feelings as distinguished from those which are universal and deep-seated in character; — opposed to ethos.

2. That quality or property of anything which touches the feelings or excites emotions and passions, esp., that which awakens tender emotions, such as pity, sorrow, and the like; contagious warmth of feeling, action, or expression; pathetic quality; as, the pathos of a picture, of a poem, or of a cry.


  • 如果下载的是这样dictionary文件,直接拷贝到~/Library/Dictionaries
  • 如果是这样的 raw 文件,需要运行 DictUnifier 应用编译


Don't touch me

另外,词典的样式其实是用 css 定义的,就在每个字典文件的 Contetns 目录,比如:~/Library/Dictionaries/dictd_www.dict.org_web1913.dictionary/Contents/DefaultStyle.css。如果你不满意字典出来的样子,可以自定义格式。

最后,这些词典其实都是 linux 上著名的国产软件stardict的文件格式(写到这里,又想起 stardict 的作者胡正),所以要在手机上使用也是很容易的事情。

This isn't happiness

"Simplicity is comlexity resolved."